Formațiunile politice din coaliția de guvernământ au decis, miercuri seara, în prima ședință din 2025, ca, până la sfârșitul lunii februarie, proiectul de buget de stat să fie adoptat de Legislativ, după cum a anunțat PNL, într-un comunicat de presă. Până la data de 27 ianuarie bugetul va trebui prezentat în cadrul ședinței coaliției, astfel […]
The main idea of the text is that the Romanian coalition government aims to finalize and pass the 2025 state budget by the first week of February.
Here are the key points:
* Timeline: The budget proposal will be presented to the coalition by January 27th and then adopted by Parliament in the first week of February.
* Deficit: The budget aims for a deficit below 7% of GDP, without new tax increases.
* Economic Outlook: The government cites expected benefits from joining Schengen (reduced import/export costs) and strong economic indicators (record foreign currency reserves and past salary increases) as reasons for optimism.
The article focuses on the government's commitment to a clear timeline for budget approval and highlights the key economic factors influencing the budget projections.
The main idea of the text is that the Romanian coalition government aims to finalize and pass the 2025 state budget by the first week of February. Here are the key points: * Timeline: The budget proposal will be presented to the coalition by January 27th and then adopted by Parliament in the first week of February. * Deficit: The budget aims for a deficit below 7% of GDP, without new tax increases. * Economic Outlook: The government cites expected benefits from joining Schengen (reduced import/export costs) and strong economic indicators (record foreign currency reserves and past salary increases) as reasons for optimism. The article focuses on the government's commitment to a clear timeline for budget approval and highlights the key economic factors influencing the budget projections.